Pixel Witches

Pixel Wizards
4 min readOct 23, 2023

I’ll welcome you to the magical world of animated, interactive and infinite scalable NFTs. As Pixel Witches are not your ordinary NFT mint. Wanna know why? Let’s start with a little bit of a background story to give you more context on Pixel Witches.

Introduction to the magical world of interactive pixel art.

It all started with the launch of Pixel Wizards in January of 2023. A new era of NFTs with magical capabilities was born. Pixel Wizards were on of the first NFTs that had interactivity in the form of user-interaction with the NFT itself. E.g. click on the NFT, press a key or your NFT changes on certain dates throughout the year. This started a massive hunt on these hidden easter-eggs after it minted out in 4 minutes.

Beside all that it came packed with much more like sharing wisdom on crypto tokens by telling the current, highest and lowest price and even indicating and displaying the 24h change % of that particular token. All possible from within the NFT itself.

Pixel Wizard telling the price of $AVAX

There are even more things in place for Pixel Wizards but you can read more about it on the following pages:

  • In-depth understanding of Pixel Wizards, read more here.
  • Pixel Wizard Tutorial, reveals what your wizard (and witch) can do.

Pixel Witches

Pixel Witches will build forward of the success formula that Pixel Wizards are born with. They will be a magical experience to endulge their holders into a world of Wicca, wisdom and powerful rituals to discover — sometimes dark — secrets hidden within the witch itself. It will require your inner curiosity to unlock the full potential of your Pixel Witch.

What will Pixel Witches cover?

Price Telling: Pixel Witches will cover a new and fresh set of crypto tokens to share their wisdom with you. Hot and promising tokens like $MATIC, $INJ, $CANTO, $KUJI and many more are included.

Pixel Witches supported tokens

Each Pixel Witch will be able, just like the wizards, to share the price information of their bound token with you. Straight from your mobile phone or from the marketplace.

Interactivity: Containing new and fun ways to explore interactivity with your NFT. Interactivity will be event (date) based or upon user-interaction. Pixel Witches will also cover a variety of unique traits that offer an interaction. Can you discover them all?

Rituals: This is something new and fresh that will offset your Witch against a Wizard. Witches are able to perform rituals allowing you to trigger a complex animation when you perform the correct ritual. There are multiple rituals but your witch will only know one. When performed correctly… [REDACTED] — “I’ll let you find out yourself, mwhuahahaa”.

Animations: Each Pixel Witch will be riding a broomstick and have a levitating effect. There will also be many more different animations giving Pixel Witches a distinct look and feel based on the trait they are wearing/wielding.

Pixel Witch tells current price of $MATIC

Infinite scalable: Pixel Witches will be in .SVG format. This is a vector file and is different from the JPG, PNG or GIF file type. SVG allows to re-render the image as you zoom in making it infinite scalable in size. This file type makes it also possible to add in animations and interactivity.

Easter-eggs: As with Pixel Wizards, Witches will also contain hidden easter eggs and will trigger or change appearance on certain events (days) throughout the year!

Gamification: After the mint Pixel Witches will be added to the token dueling game, thus allowing you degens to bet against a new set of crypto tokens. You can read more about our token dueling game here.

Many things are pretty new to most NFTusiasts out there and are hard to grasp by mere words. I would suggest to experience it first hand by exploring the first Pixel Wizards collection on the Stargaze Marketplace. Those that try to understand will be rewarded with an amazing and magical NFT experience when you mint your Pixel Witch.




Pixel Wizards

A magical and wise collection of 2222 interactive animated wizards. Born on Terra, moved to the Cosmos to provide wise council to their inhabitants!